Harnessing the science of agency
to advance human development and social mobility

Harnessing the science of agency to advance human development and social mobility

Agency – the capability to navigate toward the future you want – is not only a matter of dignity.

It is also a key to measurable impact.

When people gain actionable insights and inspiring experiences, they often unlock remarkable outcomes for themselves and those they are close to.

Given this evidence – and advances in data and technology offering new opportunities for scale – we’ve set out to test our core thesis: that vast reserves of human potential can be practically and cost-effectively tapped through approaches that activate human agency.

The Agency Fund is mobilizing an ecosystem of diverse actors unified around a singular vision:

All people have the resources they need to envision, navigate toward, and realize a better future.

What We Do


We fund R&D projects at the intersection of human agency, human development, and social mobility.


We offer financial and technical support to organizations that test, hone, and scale particularly promising demonstrations.


We collaborate with nonprofit, policy, academic, and industry actors to cultivate public goods and systemic impact.

Our Values

Agency for All

Our own potential can only be realized when others realize theirs, so we approach everybody with an abundance mindset.

Learn and Grow

We are deeply committed to data and evidence - not just to keep us grounded and accountable, but also to uncover patterns, spark ideas, and enable continuous improvement.

Lever to Scale

In any investment, we seek potential pathways toward cost-effective interactions with millions of users, and a toehold on even broader policy change.